top of page

Testimonials sections

Carousel of guest comments - add more Maybe different carousel for rooms, restaurant, Explore.

Testimonials Hidden on Mobile, as very messy. Maybe add Link to a Testimonials page on mobile Quick Access menu.

See Trip advisor summary.png in artwork folder

This is a paid app for the trip advisor link:

contact Tour Ops with new tours


Privacy - done
Cookies - done
Terms of service
Cancellations - done




  const cLeTonleWebsiteLinkHome = "<a href=\"\"</a>";

  const cLeTonleWebsiteLinkRoomsManager = "<a href=\"\"</a>";

Update Meta when pages complete and connected to domain. Go to SEO -> Edit pages or Use this link to do all at once:

Mekong View room page

Or on testimonials page:

See Trip advisor summary.png in artwork folder.

Mekong Room has images (but bad).
Need captions on all pictures.
Check mobile.
Copy the container box to another page, and see if it works. Then change images on the other pages.

Payment methods

"We accept..." logos for access, Mastercard, ACLeda, ABA, Paypal etc. Add cash: USD or Riel at current exchange rates.


Wix has a currency converter app that migt be useful on many pages: perhaps as lightbox. 

  Og:images should have an aspect ratio of 1.91:1. This means that the width should be 1.9 X the height to avoid cropping issues.
  Your image shouldn't be larger than 8MB.
  Image size should be 1200 X 630 pixels (px).
       The minimum size is 200 x 200 px, however, we recommend keeping it to 600 x 315 px.
       If your image is smaller than 600 x 315 pixels, it will appear as a small image in the link preview.

New pages or sections

Some of these are in the Sorya footer.

Amenities maybe one for general page.

Amenities: Add...Visa / Access /Acleda.
Amenities: Laundry. See Le Tonle Services Excel file.

website emails are sent to When working, should go to info@letonle. In booking form settings -> notifications...Forms and submissions

Changing prices and discounts:
Prices reported on
Home: our rooms - This section copied to many other pages - but with diff title.
Rooms: - copy section from Home
Each room: prices on header and room details, and in Other rooms section copied from Home.

On each room page update "Number of rooms of this type"

All room pages

Check prices (in header section, room section).

Insert correct photos.


Copy the container box to another page, and see if it works. Then change images on the other pages.
Almost all photos are bad.
Replace carafe photo with nicely arranged kettle, cups, carafe. On a tray.

Getting here and away

Try a map of cambodia with overlaid transparent buttons to click by province? But may be hard to fix button locations.


New page. Le Tonlé's commitments.

Link to / from environment policy?  a policy

1. First establichment in Kratie to comply with new waste management guidelines (link to CRDT page).

2. Aircon - charge of $3 ($??), of whicj $1 ($??) to Wren, or similar. Total donated to date = $xxx. See with say $80.

Other rooms section

On Mekong View room, Other Rooms section:

Has picture of Mekong room. but now not fitting.

1. Assign correct pictures to other room types.

2. Assign links from pictures to relevant room page.

3. Recheck Mobile
4. Copy Other Rooms sections to all individual room pages. and recheck mobile.
5. Then copy Other Rooms to Home and Rooms page. Home and Rooms pages will need "Other rooms" title changed.

Social media

Wix has reviews and testimonials app
Add Le Tonle logo to telegram app.
Does Le Tonle have Youtube or other social media chnnels? Add to social links on contact page (and maybe footer)

Google maps entry is out of date



need full logo - current one has waves chopped.

Have cots. See Le Tonle / Rooms. Add add as service, or to room types facilities as extra icon or on popup. Costs, crowded.

Settings - Website settings - Favicon. Do after connecting to domain.

bottom of page